Saturday, January 17, 2009

Twas the night of...and a little after...

Yeah, we's sure taken us long enough. Bear with me as Jen is using this as an opportunity to teach me how to make updates too. The holiday was a small family affair as it was just us and my baby sister Mandy and her 3 y/o daughter Munchi (my name for her).
Papi (that's me) put up the tree and put the lights on it while waiting for decorating help to arrive from Ohio.

These are some really great animal bell ornaments that Jen's mom has gotten for the tree the past few years. The baby had fun showing off her barnyard knowledge by identifying them as she put them on the tree.

Munchi and Papi putting the angel on top of the tree.

Munchi poses in front of the tree she decorated (I just put a couple of the hand blown ones up near the top for her). Good job, huh?

Santa Claus came! Look at alllllll those presents.
Munchi did a great job cleaning up the wrappers as she went. (If we waited for the end we probably woulda lost the little thing).

Munchi became such the expert unwrapper that she's giving Jen some help.

Another round of, she's getting good.

Here Idgy tries to get in on the action while trying to avoid detection by an affectionate toddler.

Ooooh..what'd ya get Auntie Jen?

Is that all there is?

Papi said that Santa asked him to put a special present somewhere it would actually where could that be?

Awesome! A tricycle! (I can't help but wonder if it shouldn't really be called a TRYcycle while one is working out the mechanics).

A picture for posterity.

Idgy is more than happy to fill an empty lap.

Apparently we wore her out.

Hopefully everyone had a wonderful holiday. We sure did. Perhaps now that there are two of us on the job, this thing will get updated more often.....well, we can hope.

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